EV Lease Specials
What’s bundled in a Fully Maintained Operating Lease?
Secure a new car for your business without paying cash upfront. One monthly payment covers all of these great benefits below with flexible terms ranging from 3 to 5 years.
Scheduled servicing & maintenance
24/7 roadside & breakdown assistance
Replacement tyres
Discounted fuel & fuel card management
Public EV charging access
Accident management & driver support
Annual registration
Warrant of fitness
Relief vehicle service
*Lease payment is based on a Fully Maintained Operating Lease over a 48-month term and 60,000km allowance and includes all scheduled servicing and maintenance, WOF and registration, accident management, limited replacement tyres, fuel management, public EV charging access and 24/7 roadside assistance. Pricing is indicative and does not constitute a quote. On-road costs, options, accessories and changes to the lease term or kms may change the quoted lease rentals. Vehicle images are for illustration purposes only and may differ from model quoted. Lease payments are invoiced monthly. FleetPartners may vary or extend these offers at its discretion. Operating lease specials are only available for business customers. Credit criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Vehicle availability and delivery timeframes may vary as determined by the relevant manufacturer. This information is not intended as a substitute for any specific financial and tax advice, which you should obtain. Indicative pricing excludes GST.